Who We Are


The Clark Family

The Rev. Shannon L. Clark, rector. Fr. Clark was ordained 9 February 2019.

Vestry and Officers of the Parish

Bill Street serves as the Rector’s warden and George Marozsan as the People’s Warden.  Other vestry members include Phillip Blakey, Mike Flannery, and Jennifer Elliott.

Sacred Music

Prayer and Blessing

For the Choir at Holy Comforter

Montevallo, Alabama

ALMIGHTY GOD, who hast ordained that the hearts of men shall be kindled by music; grant, we pray Thee, that all who lead thy praises in music and hymns, may know themselves to be truly called to a ministry to serve You and Your servants in this one, holy, catholic and apostolic church; and we pray Thee that the hearts of all who hear may be lifted up unto Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

AND the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost be amongst you and remain with you always. AMEN.

                                  ✝The Right Reverend Benton Jones

                                  Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of the Atlantic States

                                  Anglican Province of Christ the King

                                                      26 January 2025

Organist, Mr. William McElwee and organ scholar Mr. Thomas Graves.

Organ Scholar Thomas Graves with Organist and Choirmaster William McElwee

Mr. McElwee, a native of Gadsden, Alabama, has played organ and directed choirs regularly in various mainline Protestant denominations for many years.  He is a long-time member of the Birmingham Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

The choir at Wilton